Waterfall vs. agile methodology debate part 6

Waterfall vs. agile

Speakers info:

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra – Founder and Managing Principal at Ideliver – Waterfall

Satyapal is a household name and thought leader in the world of application delivery and testing. He has been advising companies on how to optimize their application lifecycle management process for nearly 2 decades. Satyapal is currently the Founder and Managing Principal of Ideliver, an award-winning Software Performance and Quality Assurance delivery company.

Second Person Name Mark Yarbro – Performance Test Manager at Bank of America – Waterfall

With over twenty years of hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves experience in a wide variety of environments, both as a leader and as an individual contributor, Mark Yarbro is a Dallas application testing guru. At Bank of America, Mark is known for implementing best in class practices among his 32 performance testing engineers as they support multiple lines of business.

Third Person Name Jay Packlick – Principal, Enterprise Agile Coach at Sabre Corporation – Agile

Jay Packlick is an Enterprise Agile coach working with Sabre. He spent over twenty years of his career getting software done in a variety of roles. He’s dedicated the last fourteen years to learning and helping others implement better ways of achieving the outcomes that matter to them.

Fourth person name Shouvik Bhattacharyya – Serial Entrepreneur and Partner at B12 Consulting – Agile

Shouvik has been investing in Agile-centric practices and companies for the last eight years. These teams have been successful in enabling agile transformation in several large global enterprises, in Banking and Financial Services, Retail, Telecom, Airlines, etc. Shouvik has been CEO of public and private companies in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Mark_Yarbo (1)

Sixth link

Names (left to right)

Left side-Waterfall folks:

First Person –Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person- Mark Yarbro

Middle guy(lakshmi)- moderator

Right side-agile folks:

Third Person –Jay Pack lick

Fourth person- Shouvik Bhattacharyya 

Middle guy moderator-guess one thing, only one thing you would say which is strength for your way of approach and solid weakness; I want you to recognize both of them from the approach that you discuss

Second Person Mark Yarbro- oh you want us to talk about our entrap.

Middle guy moderator- yes you’re shrewdly actually misplucking from Esperance perspective right.

Third Person Jay Packlick-So what, its greatest strength and

Middle guy moderator-greatness and strength and I mean

Second Person Mark Yarbro- this is like a job interview right it’s already starting with disagreement.

Middle guy moderator-it is, it is, when you pick one that you fell like the most important thing which you wanna hire from a practical now view perspective, that’s the essence I am looking for.

First Person Satyapal Chhabraso the strength it works and the weakness it doesn’t optimize resources, it’s very sequential, you have lot of wasted time

Middle guy moderator-so you are you gonna lever that guy, blah blah blah

Second Person Mark Yarbro-yes, what you gonna do, when you read articles about agile great on how great and wonderful agile is and terrible waterfall is , don’t believe either side right!!,at the bank we do waterfall but we do every 90 days and we do design , coding, component integration testing, system integration testing, performance testing and we do 1200 applications every 90 days right!!? It works and its rapid ,its iterative but its vey very easy if work through a stick stigma like we are, it’s easy to have blind spots , loss of resources , people sit on their hands and a lot a waste of time. Or doing the wrong things because we are not rapidly iterating, it’s like you knowing where the bathroom is right!!, if you were to follow , you close your eyes and walk to the bathroom how many time gonna stuck your toe and trip over a chair, agile your constantly coming and looking to make sure you can make adjustments right !!? Right!! Think about it like driving to Cleveland right!! You wanna see on the map, waterfall is, I want to see it on the map with Dallas and Cleveland on a same piece of paper and what route are we gonna take agile is ok where the bathroom gonna stop helping with the distance mu car can go right!!, where we gonna take meals, when we gonna sleep right its myth real world should be brought alive

Fourth person Shouvik Bhattacharyya – so I think use the example of financial success company who were engaged in, so the CIA wanted to move over as he said, you know!! 75 percent of the organization does waterfall in 25 percent of the assets, so as in terms of strength, when you want to start the next project and say actually this the way we are gonna go, you get the top talent it’s the sexiest thing, there is a lot excitement so the strength is if you’re a manager or a in the market or the it side, you get the best, team best resources whatever you need Right!?Son the weakness is that creates unrealistic time to market because everybody is so excited, I think lot of time we offer service of postmortem of agile projects right!? And in that what we find out is that it did deliver but the expectations were so unrealistic that this was gonna be done faster , better , cheaper every single time that people use it you know !! And especially waterfall people like my friends here are been added for 70 years they are experts in bringing the other people down

Middle guy moderator-really that’s just old

Fourth person Shouvik Bhattacharyya – yeah!? I have to get it in, I have to get it in, so what happens is that experts are going to wait ohh!! Agile Is going to fail or or we say even if it succeeded I have been in the situation of postmortem where, they say oh, oh it looks like you know!! it was little, it was a slight variance but you know within the boundaries of acceptance and the waterfall guys will come and say, no no, no, no , we have done ie so much better and we have done a better scope, it goes back to scope vs. value, so that’s what I see as the strength and the weakness

Third Person Name Jay Packlick- so

Middle guy moderator-jay

Third Person Name Jay Packlick-so I am out of paint word ,we obviously painted the difference between this two approaches, and that’s why I could speak to the strength, so waterfall is actually more of a mind set, waterfall is a mindset I want to eliminate uncertainty by asking the right questions , do enough research ,make decisions early that they pay off and that actually works really great in two scenarios , relatively simple problems ,which is not our world it never were, in complicated problems , there is actually a framework called canephen, which very clearly defines how you approach problems, in canephen, next level, complexity yields to announces, that’s awesome there are enough parts to it ,enough information, enough analysis I can answer questions allow me know how to proceed, in a complex world, where I have autonomous agents ,multiple layers  , the technology stack in this thing is probably 20 levels deeper than you and I started with  one computer talking to one database right !?

Second Person Mark Yarbro- That’s 100 times more than Apollo space craft

Third Person Name Jay Packlick- yeah, not just the computing power, it is interacting with lots of stages in the universe some of which are trying to destroy it in you, so our ability as human beings, yeah!!, our ability as human beings to reason around something this complex has capped out, we cannot understand in advance what the fuck is this gonna do

Middle guy moderator-wooo

Third Person Name Jay Packlick-excuse my language, so here is the deal, in a world of complexity , I had better use and approach that is empirical , I have better use in approach that says let me do something and understand if it worked or not because I cannot understand in advance whether it will for some for some things, so what is the strength in agile ,it is a match to the problem of complexity , it is match of the problem trying to understand the world beyond our understanding the unknown unknowns are way beyond our imagination, so we better have a mechanism to advance and move forward in away its rational not in a way that suits our desire from predictability because that is not the world we live in, so that’s the strength in agile , what’s its weakness ,you know living in an unpredictable world is hard in, embracing the unpredictable is hard , human beings don’t want to do that, asking people to step up and be accountable and be all in and be skillful and motivated is not something lot of people are not prepared to do, so weakness of this process weakness of this approach is human barter system like earning system

Second Person Mark Yarbro- and everyone in the organization should confront, come up with that at the same time

Third Person Name Jay Packlick-absolutely


Second Person Mark Yarbro-right!! Because the individual contributors can commit and the management can say you’re fired, you didn’t meet your deliver load


Waterfall vs. agile methodology debate part 5

Waterfall vs. agile

Speakers info:

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra – Founder and Managing Principal at Ideliver – Waterfall

Satyapal is a household name and thought leader in the world of application delivery and testing. He has been advising companies on how to optimize their application lifecycle management process for nearly 2 decades. Satyapal is currently the Founder and Managing Principal of Ideliver, an award-winning Software Performance and Quality Assurance delivery company.

Second Person Name Mark Yarbro – Performance Test Manager at Bank of America – Waterfall

With over twenty years of hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves experience in a wide variety of environments, both as a leader and as an individual contributor, Mark Yarbro is a Dallas application testing guru. At Bank of America, Mark is known for implementing best in class practices among his 32 performance testing engineers as they support multiple lines of business.

Third Person Name Jay Packlick – Principal, Enterprise Agile Coach at Sabre Corporation – Agile

Jay Packlick is an Enterprise Agile coach working with Sabre. He spent over twenty years of his career getting software done in a variety of roles. He’s dedicated the last fourteen years to learning and helping others implement better ways of achieving the outcomes that matter to them.

Fourth person name Shouvik Bhattacharyya – Serial Entrepreneur and Partner at B12 Consulting – Agile

Shouvik has been investing in Agile-centric practices and companies for the last eight years. These teams have been successful in enabling agile transformation in several large global enterprises, in Banking and Financial Services, Retail, Telecom, Airlines, etc. Shouvik has been CEO of public and private companies in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Mark_Yarbo (1)

Fifth link 

Names (left to right)

Left side-Waterfall folks:

First Person –Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person- Mark Yarbro

Middle guy(lakshmi)- moderator

Right side-agile folks:

Third Person –Jay Pack lick

Fourth person- Shouvik Bhattacharyya 



Forth person  Shouvik Bhattacharyya- The agile people when they think about planning they think about strategy in the plan, with waterfall people they think more about the plan itself , so that’s my thing you know, that’s the difference

Middle guy moderator-very well said , so strategy and blah blah blah, so having said that we have two sides of the view we’ll move on to the next war, talk about you know there are a lot of  blah blah blah , talk about the activities , meanings ,inclusiveness has gravity through blah blah blah.

Second person  Mark Yarbro- so inclusiveness we have 1200 applications today, and these things not all of them released, but we release 90 days later, the way that works is , we get everybody together so everyone is working locked still because it’s very difficult to release one product when it doesn’t line up with the others, we are doing like my world accordance testing , we are pushing loads through 30 different applications, they need to be ready all around the same time not just the apps , the platforms that’s been installed the ecosystems have to be released together, so we are living being we are living in space and time we move in single line that’s where waterfall hangs around because it has been working for 70 years, agile is a great way to get things done if you know what you need ,if the customer is not being clear but much more difficult to hold everyone to release the app in same time, so my argument is that you need highbred ,agile , here is the first job here agile

Middle guy moderator-keep it to your side

Second person Mark Yarbro- I will, oh (sarcasm), so you need to make doing the right things not just doing the wrong things badly


Third Person Name Jay Packlick-sure, sure.

Middle guy moderator-so your retenders and minor attributes are surely appreciated.

Second person Mark Yarbro- You’re welcome

Middle guy moderator-Thanks for that

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra- that’s fine, just adding to it because that doesn’t prove them, methodology or the process eventually in waterfall, waterfall may be traditional tube and it has certain link available it has some fertile waterfall in which doesn’t necessarily add for agile world sense, so to look at performance, if you look at that classical performance carefully it gives you proper migration space, but instead of waterfall we are doing many  penetrations in a day to get the optimum state

Waterfall vs. agile methodology debate part 4

Waterfall vs. agile

Speakers info:

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra – Founder and Managing Principal at Ideliver – Waterfall

Satyapal is a household name and thought leader in the world of application delivery and testing. He has been advising companies on how to optimize their application lifecycle management process for nearly 2 decades. Satyapal is currently the Founder and Managing Principal of Ideliver, an award-winning Software Performance and Quality Assurance delivery company.

Second Person Name Mark Yarbro – Performance Test Manager at Bank of America – Waterfall

With over twenty years of hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves experience in a wide variety of environments, both as a leader and as an individual contributor, Mark Yarbro is a Dallas application testing guru. At Bank of America, Mark is known for implementing best in class practices among his 32 performance testing engineers as they support multiple lines of business.

Third Person Name Jay Packlick – Principal, Enterprise Agile Coach at Sabre Corporation – Agile

Jay Packlick is an Enterprise Agile coach working with Sabre. He spent over twenty years of his career getting software done in a variety of roles. He’s dedicated the last fourteen years to learning and helping others implement better ways of achieving the outcomes that matter to them.

Fourth person name Shouvik Bhattacharyya – Serial Entrepreneur and Partner at B12 Consulting – Agile

Shouvik has been investing in Agile-centric practices and companies for the last eight years. These teams have been successful in enabling agile transformation in several large global enterprises, in Banking and Financial Services, Retail, Telecom, Airlines, etc. Shouvik has been CEO of public and private companies in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Mark_Yarbo (1)

Second linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjfDOw0qWv0

Names (left to right)

Left side-Waterfall folks:

First Person –Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person- Mark Yarbro

Middle guy(lakshmi)- moderator

Right side-agile folks:

Third Person –Jay Pack lick

Fourth person- Shouvik Bhattacharyya 

Fourth link

Names left to right: (middle guy not included)

First Person -Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person- Mark Yarbro

Middle guy- moderator

Third Person -Jay Packlick

Fourth person- Shouvik Bhattacharyya


Second person – Mark Yarbro –develop is our singer what is , they are starting to work for the next spring, they are pulling things off the back ,when we all be planning on what are they gonna be working on the next spring, you know what that is , that’s waterfall. You’re doing four week water fall,

Third person- Jay Packlick –now he is talking

Second person – Mark Yarbro –in in historical methodology terms that’s more rare, rapid application development ,it’s a 1990’s term, that’s what most people do when theyu are calling it scrum or agile, I was trained in 2004 by people who were trained by( dash and dash-)we were trained in things they aren’t trained in anymore, its ugly, its messy, real scrum it’s so fun, its battle royal , its muddy , its sweaty and messy and you can get so much accomplished but it’s not pretty and management especially in big corporations are very on adamant, messy, seemingly off control kind of a process .The whole organization has to change and that’s when I learned the dirty secrets of scrum, agile you have to think differently act differently all up the chain and it’s hard to change people behavior

Middle guy moderator- sure

Second person – Mark Yarbro –it’s a superior methodology in a lot of ways but you don’t take it into account it’s like communism, socialism

Middle guy moderator along with the crowd– wooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Second person – Mark Yarbro –they don’t take into account the human factor no seriously you visually run out of other people’s money.

Middle guy along with the crowd- shouting and mumbling.

Fourth person Shouvik Bhattacharyya- last example, everybody is not obama here, we got two jams republicans vs. democrats so it’s our dish 480 million dollars were spent by a company in Canada, you guys know about this 480 million, what was the name of the company I forgot. yeah ok, 480 million and everything was held up right, it went blank , you couldn’t even login it was a mess, then they handed over to Accenture 90 million dollars and the guys delivered , I mean whichever side of the aisle you are , you can argue  but from an IT perspective and whether you can login and deliver I do I act to it, so it’s a classic case to your point since you called us dominance, we are practical and realistic alright because we could gather to get in with, at the end of the day if you see I’ll go back to the other question scope vs. value the Canadian company were doing all the right things waterfall scope, there is Hugh scope


Middle guy making fun-a phrase

Third person Jay Packlick- so I am gonna throw myself before methodology don’t produce results; people right, so if you bring up an example we are guard less of our framework and someone is making a bad decision and I am not getting feedback on my that bad decision I am gonna!!, I am gonna!! Have a bad result

Second person – Mark Yarbro –right

Third person Jay Packlick- so its irregardless of your approach, I think where agile benefits Is if I do have a faster feedback, if I am legitimately using the information, I get it to say this words or doesn’t work then I have an opportunity at least to make a decision that leads to better results, I may ignore that data and I am gonna be 100 percent behind you

Fourth person Shouvik Bhattacharyya- he needs to change

Third person Jay Packlick- yeah , I am on the wrong side now I behave in north behavior real hard , real example, if I am gonna work right here boss , bad news I get fired, if I am working in a room where everybody shuts up when the boss walks in, if I am gonna play where people don’t give a crap, you know they just wanna get in get the paycheck and get out they don’t want to have a conversation, they don’t wanna do kumbayas and stand up, guess what they are probably not gonna succeed without framework and by all means fit your framework to meet your problems your cultural problem your problem space the worst thing you can do is to take Cinderella’s slippers and try to fit it on her big fat sister, because it ain’t gonna fit.

Waterfall vs. agile methodology debate part 3

Waterfall vs. agile

Speakers info:

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra – Founder and Managing Principal at Ideliver – Waterfall

Satyapal is a household name and thought leader in the world of application delivery and testing. He has been advising companies on how to optimize their application lifecycle management process for nearly 2 decades. Satyapal is currently the Founder and Managing Principal of Ideliver, an award-winning Software Performance and Quality Assurance delivery company.

Second Person Name Mark Yarbro – Performance Test Manager at Bank of America – Waterfall

With over twenty years of hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves experience in a wide variety of environments, both as a leader and as an individual contributor, Mark Yarbro is a Dallas application testing guru. At Bank of America, Mark is known for implementing best in class practices among his 32 performance testing engineers as they support multiple lines of business.

Third Person Name Jay Packlick – Principal, Enterprise Agile Coach at Sabre Corporation – Agile

Jay Packlick is an Enterprise Agile coach working with Sabre. He spent over twenty years of his career getting software done in a variety of roles. He’s dedicated the last fourteen years to learning and helping others implement better ways of achieving the outcomes that matter to them.


Fourth person name Shouvik Bhattacharyya – Serial Entrepreneur and Partner at B12 Consulting – Agile

Shouvik has been investing in Agile-centric practices and companies for the last eight years. These teams have been successful in enabling agile transformation in several large global enterprises, in Banking and Financial Services, Retail, Telecom, Airlines, etc. Shouvik has been CEO of public and private companies in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Mark_Yarbo (1)

Third Link


Names (left to right)

Left side-Waterfall folks:

First Person –Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person- Mark Yarbro

Middle guy(lakshmi)- moderator

Right side-agile folks:

Third Person –Jay Pack lick

Fourth person- Shouvik Bhattacharyya 


Fourth person – Shouvik Bhattacharyya- i like to point it out in the agile world as long as you’re including the right set of

People you might decrease the scope dramatically because you will provide the right value so i think that’s why is becoming more and more

Popular because everybody speak to market today right so you cannot just think i am going to keep on increasing the scope and the customers gonna wait for me


Third person – Jay Packlick-i wanna give one real world example

Middle guy moderatorReal quick!!

Third person  – Jay Packlick  –Real quick!!,I was working with clients they had six months project, we had an algorithm to implement ,the potential for the algorithm was to increase revenue something like 5 million dollars per month , that was the value proposition and they were able to achieve that after 3 weeks, so now it works , they implemented the algorithm demonstrated that we can do that and it went into production in the end of four weeks so they dropped rest of the projects because there was other projects which had much higher return so I am just showing you an example decisions maximize value.if you are in business to make money tend to pay off  you know!! If you update your plan

Middle guy moderator-true argument!!True argument from human value perspective. Scope or value what is the most important thing from the marching edge.

First person-Satyapal Chhabra- lets face it packlick, waterfalls perspective is the scope, not because they don’t want to deliver the value, the word inclusion right , the word inclusion has already covered every part of the scope, scope is given by someone who is qualified- (A)

B-they know the business or they are the business

Third person – Jay PacklickThey think they know, they are making a decision

First person-Satyapal Chhabra-I get it, one thing is , the waterfall again, in mean let’s face it it is something that is meant to deliver within the finite scope or finite cost and manufacture, agile means to, we can do it but we need inclusion by the right people or participation from right people that’s a Hugh assumption

Third person – Jay Pack lickthat’s true

First person-Satyapal Chhabra- that’s why agile becomes cyclic and goes for ever, it gets shelved or I don’t know, waterfall at least tends to deliver something which will be completely like a Motorola’s dynatac like a brick you can hit your wall  ,I don’t you guys know about Motorola’s iridium product it was delivered like a brick you can hit your wall  you can do dumbbells like that ,you can build muscles with it but you cannot make a phone call with that.

Third person Jay Packlick- the first question on the (can’t understand)

First person-Satyapal Chhabra- yes exactly, the point is that


Third person – Jay Packlickso if you’re starting, you probably don’t want that much

First person-Satyapal Chhabra- so point is you went all the with 3 billion dollars investment, when you deliver something waterfall, yes agile would have given you the feedback early, I get the part but again it’s a where do you apply this, it’s up to the business or the IT team I would say to figure it out, what’s the best solution, right, so so, scope maybe encompassing the value

Third person Jay Packlick- so the scope raises the value is the subjective view from you. Mark do you like to add something?


Second Person Name Mark Yarbro-no I think shouvik is excited let him

Fourth person   Shouvik Bhattacharyya-rise rise raise your hand if you want more stocks or more return on your investments. So raise your hands for stocks

Middle guy  moderator- stock buyers come on rise your arms

Third person Jay Packlick-who want return on investment (ROI)? Yeah you are on the agile side, awesome.

Waterfall vs. agile methodology debate part 2

Waterfall vs. agile

Speakers info:

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra – Founder and Managing Principal at Ideliver – Waterfall

Satyapal is a household name and thought leader in the world of application delivery and testing. He has been advising companies on how to optimize their application lifecycle management process for nearly 2 decades. Satyapal is currently the Founder and Managing Principal of Ideliver, an award-winning Software Performance and Quality Assurance delivery company.

Second Person Name Mark Yarbro – Performance Test Manager at Bank of America – Waterfall

With over twenty years of hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves experience in a wide variety of environments, both as a leader and as an individual contributor, Mark Yarbro is a Dallas application testing guru. At Bank of America, Mark is known for implementing best in class practices among his 32 performance testing engineers as they support multiple lines of business.

Third Person Name Jay Packlick – Principal, Enterprise Agile Coach at Sabre Corporation – Agile

Jay Packlick is an Enterprise Agile coach working with Sabre. He spent over twenty years of his career getting software done in a variety of roles. He’s dedicated the last fourteen years to learning and helping others implement better ways of achieving the outcomes that matter to them.


Fourth person name Shouvik Bhattacharyya – Serial Entrepreneur and Partner at B12 Consulting – Agile

Shouvik has been investing in Agile-centric practices and companies for the last eight years. These teams have been successful in enabling agile transformation in several large global enterprises, in Banking and Financial Services, Retail, Telecom, Airlines, etc. Shouvik has been CEO of public and private companies in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Mark_Yarbo (1)

Second link

Names (left to right)

Left side-Waterfall folks:

First Person –Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person- Mark Yarbro

Middle guy(lakshmi)- moderator

Right side-agile folks:

Third Person –Jay Pack lick

Fourth person- Shouvik Bhattacharyya 


First Person (Satyapal Chhabra)- That has worked which is a worenforen, we go back to basic, so agile is an adoption through new techniques of econorkia, the gap we are talking about is more of adoption from previous players, so there is something called product coring, product coring means eparchy, so eparchy doesn’t work, because I could be doing right thing in wrong direction all the life

Third person (Jay Packlick) -I am sorry

First Person (Satyapal Chhabra)-or you know it’s a classical discrepancy right, you did it right but wrong completely in wrong direction, you jock the wrong forest something like that

Middle guy moderator-great points on both the sides we realized for quite some time , moving on to the third way, this time I am going to flip the switch to the agile folks , what’s more important in your philosophy, is it the scope or the value

Third guy (Jay Packlick)- so scope or value, so first of all if you are describing them separately you have describing problem

Middle guy moderator– it’s described separately for the sake of the argument.

Third guy (Jay Packlick)-yeah it’s a false tied economy right? I mean ultimately I,

Waterfall vs. agile methodology Debate Part 1

Waterfall vs. agile

Speakers info:

First Person Name Satyapal Chhabra – Founder and Managing Principal at Ideliver – Waterfall

Satyapal is a household name and thought leader in the world of application delivery and testing. He has been advising companies on how to optimize their application lifecycle management process for nearly 2 decades. Satyapal is currently the Founder and Managing Principal of Ideliver, an award-winning Software Performance and Quality Assurance delivery company.

Second Person Name Mark Yarbro – Performance Test Manager at Bank of America – Waterfall

With over twenty years of hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves experience in a wide variety of environments, both as a leader and as an individual contributor, Mark Yarbro is a Dallas application testing guru. At Bank of America, Mark is known for implementing best in class practices among his 32 performance testing engineers as they support multiple lines of business.

Third Person Name Jay Packlick – Principal, Enterprise Agile Coach at Sabre Corporation – Agile

Jay Packlick is an Enterprise Agile coach working with Sabre. He spent over twenty years of his career getting software done in a variety of roles. He’s dedicated the last fourteen years to learning and helping others implement better ways of achieving the outcomes that matter to them.


Fourth person name Shouvik Bhattacharyya – Serial Entrepreneur and Partner at B12 Consulting – Agile

Shouvik has been investing in Agile-centric practices and companies for the last eight years. These teams have been successful in enabling agile transformation in several large global enterprises, in Banking and Financial Services, Retail, Telecom, Airlines, etc. Shouvik has been CEO of public and private companies in the US, Europe, and Asia.

 Mark_Yarbo (1)



First link

Names (left to right)

Left side-waterfall folks:

First Person –Satyapal Chhabra

Second Person– Mark Yarbro

Middle guy(lakshmi)- moderator

Right side-agile folks:

Third Person –Jay Pack lick

Fourth person– Shouvik Bhattacharyya



First Person (Satyapal Chhabra) – it does not necessarily address what agile world is but it has ratchets to go faster and quicker, take example talk about performance, if you look at the classical performance testing it gives you up to transition phase , it’s still a waterfall and we are going very much penetrations in a day to get the optimum state, so if you look at it , inclusion of all the aspects of people who are participating because the hype cases moves right there and you get value out of it, so chabra I am not gonna address , it’s just that the reality is how determines it , its traditional but it delivers and my argument, I am not a kings expert, I would say it’s a republican on democrats.











Agile Vs Waterfall Model main difference


Agile Vs Waterfall Model

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan

What Is Waterfall Software Development

  1. Requirements – gathering the requirements of the system and what needs to be developed
  2. Design – designing the system
  3. Implementation – developing the software
  4. Verification – Both system and user testing
  5. Maintenance – ongoing support or maintenance of the system

Difference Between Agile & Waterfall

  1. Agile uses iterations, waterfall uses stages
  2. Agile has constant business interaction, waterfall has varied high and low interaction
  3. Agile has roles such as scrum master, waterfall has project manager.
  4. Can’t go back with Waterfall, can with agile

Which Is Better – Agile Vs Waterfall?

  1. Agile methods are more suited to those projects that need small and frequent functionality delivered to the users.
  2. Waterfall methods are suited to those projects where a high level of business involvement is not possible or not needed, and where quality is more important than speed to market.

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This user interface will be a candy land for him to manage his projects ,he won’t even care about any other features ,”keep it simple”he used to say , silly pop.

Coming back to our



“Use taskque to automatically assign tasks when resources are free” is taskque’s tag line which is very catchy and to the point. Taskque is one of the powerful project management tools out there.

  • Manage unlimited projects, tasks, resources, client list; you name it
  • Perform discussions; you can make use of discussion minutes to turn a specific discussion to formal documents.
  • This tool is very friendly to people who are used to the concept of shortcut keys; this tool is for you shortcutkey users……. play and enjoy this tool.
  • Summary Feature- gets an overview of workplace, project or resources performance with insightful charts. Speaking of charts it also has an elegant Gantt chart to monitor the production, relevant to planning.
    And many more goodies…


This beauty is priced at
Free up to 10 users, then upgraded to $5 per user/month



Yes, yes … easy projects is at no.2 in our list



If you are an admirer, fan of elegance; this tool is for you, there you go…
Replace the mess of spreadsheets, emails and white boards with a simple workspace for everyone to collaborate.

I remember my brother telling me “respect can only be earned; be brave, creative, dedicated, humble and elegant”- brothers… right….. , they sure do like to advice, even though they tell us it’s just an opinion bro…; but he is not wrong

That’s what this tool is; it’s creative, simple, and elegant.

To name a few great



-To put it simply, it provides all top notch functionalities at its best.

  • you can collaborate, manage project , manage tasks ,manage resources, Gantt chart, integrations, forms,calendars …bla bla…- yes we know you are classy easyprojects…..;I Don’t wanna bore you with all this official feature list.
  • What you should know is that it has a feature called business intelligence.

It helps both project managers and executives present and analyze large amounts of data in beautifully designed interactive reports and dashboards.

It enables users to visualize, analyze, and interpret data with greater speed, efficiency, and understanding.


Let me tell you folks, this feature is of high standards.
This elegant tool is priced at
$24 per user/month



Yes ……, let me introduce you to our Mr.3 on the list


One sentence-This tool will make you reach any heights and all your management needs meet.

casecamp provides high quality project management with clean, proficient, elegant and simple to use project management solutions with unique support system

Now its story time, my mom tells me “always have a reliable plan B (consistent support) so you can pursue your dreams, passion , life… better ;with a working support system to spring you right back up, maintaining great stability makes a great man”-thanks mom

That’s what this tool is all about- the great support system; it has unique customization features which are sharp like perfectly tailored suit worn by a man.

To talk about few of mr.3‘s



-it provides excellent tracking and notification features,

  • you can manage unlimited projects, tasks, resources with sharp charts and comprehensive analysis and top security features, want your projects to be highly confidential, mr.casecamp will serve you.
  • it integrates any software the user needs, call it power ups if u will.
  • mr.casecamp is user friendly, easily accessible in mobile devices both on android and IOS, it provides themes or suites to almost any industry


Mr.Casecamp is priced at

CaseCamp is free up to 10 projects and upgrades to $25/month unlimited users with cloud space up to 10 GB and $50/month unlimited users with cloud space up to 50GB

Mr.casecamp is most cost effective among his contenders,talk about support…..need a clean and classy project management companion to work with, Please meet mr.CaseCamp



Before we talk about our no.4, let me tell you…, this is one of the advanced tools in the market, very well suited for advertising and marketing agencies.


Admation provides four key modules –project planning, approval workflow, resource management and digital asset management.

Expecting a story…? – let me tell you…

“There was warrior ending lives of thousands of enemy soldiers with his great sword, but this warrior was put to death by shooting a arrow through his head from a cheap bow Borrowed from a farmer who used it for hunting”-not a great story hah…. but it signifies that it’s not about what tool you use but when and for what you use it


  • It has all the features you need, quite frankly please check it out yourself.
  • you must check out the concept of online proofing, a rich and unique feature provided by Admation



This exotic baby is priced at

Admation pricing works on requesting quotes.

That’s our exotic no.4 for you



I hate to give a number for basecamp but sadly I have named it 5th in our list , if this would have been a list of the coolest tools for collaboration and calendar, Basecamp will be way over top one.


Basecamp is easily the coolest tool on the market. It is extremely user friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

The best thing about basecamp is its homepage, its like “damn good”
Ok folks I need to tell u this story now,
Once I was about to play a song with my guitar in a club. I left the guitar in a place near the performing area to get me a drink from the bar ,I happened to meet a guy who got the drink for me in the crowd, so normally we started talking and laughing on jokes and there was a group of beautiful ,(I mean totally hot)… shhhh…. Girls on our 3 o clock noticing us facing the performing area, as we (me and the new booze buddy) went near the performing area which was near this group of angels, the guy took my guitar in hand not knowing it was mine and went to approach the girls, after a few minutes it was my time to perform, I borrowed the guitar from him and rocked, the stage, if u must know the song, it was “coming back to life”-pink Floyd
(Haven’t listened to pink Floyd, stop everything; do that first)
Now suddenly I am a rock star there and I happened to get the phone number of the entire group, in separate instances of course, come on ……
And I told my sad newly acquired friend, Bro “it’s not about just looking cool; it’s being cool what makes you look cool….”

So basecamp -why cool? , it simply gets the job done


  • it has three main compartments in home page one below the other
    HQ-> teams -> projects, which is very attractive and easy to collaborate, HQ –basically the company’s heads will give all the relevant data to be used and accessed across the teams and projects.
  • base camp provides reports in the form of documents

Check out the tool to learn more on how cool it is

Our cool buddy is priced at

$99/month for unlimited users and projects.


Coming to our number 6 –Wrike

Are you a person very comfortable with accessing folders and files, using a dashboard or panel at the side of the screen like in windows OS, you will enjoy this tool…

It has all basic functionalities of a typical project management tool, totally organisable from the left work panel.

I have an annoying sister who has the habit of organizing all her things in a big cupboard with many compartments so it’s easy for her to access all her cosmetic, clothing and stationary needs through this single cupboard, compartments helps her know where to find what instantly. This is a nice habit she has, but she is still annoying …ha-ha…..
Are you u a person who likes to organize things in a similar fashion, this tool is gonna make you fall in love with it


  • manage projects, tasks, to do, collaboration with wrike
  • enjoy assessing the projects using wrike’s detailed reports
    Check out wrike and start organizing


This compact package is priced at

$9.80/user/month with packages of 5, 10 or 15 users (billed annually)


So this is our no.7 product we are gonna showcase; last but not the least ….; seriously? Yeah….. I know what a clichéd sentence…….;


Trello is certainly not your average project management tool.
Are you a person who likes card games, here is an another card game you will love to manage your business projects.
Last story I promise- I have an uncle who is a poker genius, a cool carefree guy who lives a loud life, he always tells me, it’s all about having the right card kiddo. And I always get this cheeky smile on my face.
Get ready to play your cards


  • it has simple User interface, there are boards and cards
    Boards allows you to create projects and set them on the board and cards allows you to create tasks and to do’s to play with on the board of projects.
  • you can use the left menu panel to change background, filter cards, add power ups (calendar, charts, drop box…etc), stickers.

This is a great tool to manage and succeed in your business playing with your cards wisely on the board.


This tool set is priced at

$12.50 per team member per month, or $119.99 per team member per year.

I believe you all enjoyed this list please have fun posting comments below

Top 5 Task Management Software

Traditional method of task management has been replaced with modernized methods. Today, task management process has become modernized with the introduction of latest technologies. Managing small tasks is convenient with traditional method. But, when you have been awarded the job of managing extensive tasks, you have to be careful on certain things. The process of task management should be robust and advanced. For that, you can deploy a few tools. So, for your convenience, here are top 5 task management systems:

1. Centrallo

As the name suggests, this open source task management system aims centralizing your life. It makes task management process more logical and seamless. It gives you the convenience of effective task management with its arrays of features or options. Positive part of this system is that it feature drag and drop interface. It comes with 1 GB free storage. The downside is also there. It comes with limited attachment size. You can attach only 25 MB at a time.

2. EasyNote.io

EasyNote makes it easier to take notes of the daily basis tasks. For effective task management, using this system is always effective. EasyNote comes with many advanced options. It gives you the freedom to schedule tasks, as per your desire. It gives you the convenience to check status of various tasks that you have listed with the system. The best thing is that the system is updated regularly, and thus it stays user-friendly as well as robust. The downside is that the system is not free after certain time. To use all the features of this system, you need to purchase membership.

3. PinTask

PinTask is a simple open source platform for effectual and systematic task management. It comes with many advanced features or options. It has a simple interface to feature. The system is user-friendly and free to be used. Though it is marketed as free, certain extension of feature or options would require extra cost.

4. CaseCamp

This is the most advanced project management as well as task management tool. Being an open source system, it is convenient, user-faintly and easy to be accessed. You need to purchase membership for using the system. CaseCamp is noted as 5th most popular group in LinkedIn.

Top 5 Bug Tracking Software

Managing a software development project is not an easy thing, as it involves a lot of hassles. Typically, a software development project has unique lifecycle that includes planning, implementation, development, testing and final product delivery to the client. Each step is important, but software testing and bug management is recognized as the most critical part. For effective bug management, you need to understand a few basic things. To make the process simpler, many developers or software testing executives deploy bug tracking software. Open source bug tracking software can find the bugs accurately and can give you the convenience of easy bug fixing.

For bug tracking, you can use the following systems or software:

1. Unfuddle

This is a secured project management platform that helps in effective as well as accurate bug tracking. The major highlight of the system is that it looks seamless as well as user-friendly. It comes with many advanced features or options for the bug tracking and project management tasks. Not just bug tracking; it also helps in client payment as well as milestone tracking. So, basically it is a project management system that comes with robust bug tracking options.


It is a famous issue tracking system that comes with many advanced features or options. Using this system has certain exceptional benefits that you may not get with other systems. First of all, it is fast and robust. Secondly, it is accurate with bug tracking and fixing tasks.

3. Salesforce

This is yet another web based project management system that comes with effective as well as advanced bug tracking features. You can track bugs and can fix them with ease with this robust tool. Using this tool has many other benefits. In addition to bug tracking, you can plan, execute and schedule your projects.

4. CaseCamp

When it comes to choosing bug tracking tool, CaseCamp is recommended for its amazing as well as interesting features. This open source system is also a project management system. CaseCamp Group is the 5th most popular group in LinkedIn for project management. It shows the popularity of this project management system.

Top 5 Project Management Software

Project management is one of the most important tasks that business houses have to deal with. Conducting a project properly is important to clinch high end client satisfaction and better profitability. Not just profitability, proper project management also enhances reputation of a company. It helps a company to grow, and thus it has unparallel importance in today’s world. For project management, using open source software or systems has become the latest trend. If you are searching for such an application, here is a list for you:

1. Taiga.io

This is an excellent open source system for effectual and accurate project planning as well as management. This agile system comes with many advanced features or options. It gives you the convenience of a free private project. You can enjoy having unlimited public projects. If you want more than one private project, you need to purchase the membership options.

2.  Plan Project Management Software

You can easily download this system and install to your desktop. It is fast, robust and convenient system, offering cutting edge options or features. This project management tool is free to use, and you can have any number of private projects as per your needs. Extensive manuals and complicated options are the major drawbacks of this system. You may also encounter a lot of technical problems with this system.

3. Zoho Projects

With a small investment, if you are seeking a professional open source platform for conducting project management tasks, you can easily choose Zoho Projects. It has advanced features or options in offering. It makes the job of project management simple as well as seamless. With $25 per month, you can enjoy the convenience of using this project management software or system.

4. CaseCamp

CaseCamp is one of the Best Online Project Management Tool. It is an open source system that has many options in offering. It gives you the convenience of project management with ease. It comes with some exciting membership plans, and all those plans are highly affordable. Make your project management process convenient with CaseCamp. It gives you an accurate platform to track status of your project and to check other important project details. CaseCamp Group is also 5th largest group in LinkedIn.

Benefits of Joining Facebook Project Management Groups

Project management is a big time hassle for many businesses these days. Proper project management can enhance profitability. Nevertheless, it can help your business to move more systematically. Project management is also important for reputation of a business. These days, clients closely monitor project management processes of the service providers. They tend to rely on those services, which have advanced and professional project management systems to showcase.

Social media website, Facebook, has a major role to play in our lives today. Not just personal level communication, this platform is also used for professional communication purposes. For better project management and to know latest trends in project management process, you can consider joining a few Facebook Groups. Joining these groups will help you build a good network, where you can share innovative ideas on project management. Joining Facebook project management groups has many benefits. These benefits are discussed in the following section.

•    At Facebook groups, veterans often share unique as well as groundbreaking ideas. Getting these ideas and implementing them in real time project management process helps a lot of entrepreneurs. Your project management process would get more seamless as well as accurate with the implementation of these innovative and interesting ideas.

•    Using Facebook groups is always convenient experience as it helps you to get constant updates on the latest project management systems or software. Using these software or applications will give a better platform to your business in term of project management tasks.

•    You can get excellent suggestions on management process of a complicated project from the proven industry experts as well as veterans at various reputed Facebook groups.

Several groups are there at Facebook for those, who are interested in sharing ideas on project management. Among those groups, CaseCamp has gained significant recognition. It is one of the most reliable groups that boast of having a lot of active users. CaseCamp is also number 5 LinkedIn Project Management Group. Hence, joining this group is highly recommended for the small business owners or enthusiastic startup entrepreneurs and others. You shall get the opportunity to learn a lot of new as well as cutting edge concepts from others.