Technical Assistance Center is the customer support interface where all the post production changes / issues are tagged for assistance.
In your TAC dashboard, you can view all the open tickets, tickets in queue, tasks assigned to you, history, client’s feedback, and your reports.


TAC Tickets

You can request / manage all issues/incidents via tickets tracking options (open tickets, tickets in queue, tickets for me)
Here we can raise a ticket with the project name, issue, set priority, open/close date, mention the manager and actions to that issue.

Open Tickets
Here is where all the new tasks/issues displayed for the team to work on. All the active / unresolved issues.

Tickets in Queue
This shows all the open tasks and will be taken up for resolving from high priority to low priority tasks.

Tickets assigned to Me
Show all those tickets that is been assigned to the particular user name.




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