Choose Your Optimum Pricing

$2750 / Year

Server Deployment Encrypted for unlimted users white labeled

$250 / Year

Server Deployment Encrypted for 25 users white labeled

$25 / Month

50 Projects and Unlimted Users with 500MB Space and More...

$50 / Month

Unlimted Projects and Users with 5GB Space and More...

$99 / Month

Unlimted Projects and Users with 50GB Space and More...

Project $25/mo $50/mo $99/mo
Projects 50 Unlimited Unlimited
Users Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Space 500MB 5GB 50GB
Shared file management
Unlmited Cases
Unlimited Tickets
Gantt Chart
Unlimited Collaboration
Shared file management
Git Repo
Github integration
SVN Provider
Make Commits
Merge Request
FTP Server Deployment

Companies Save 92.5% of the Total Cost Spent on the Tools Used to Manage their Projects.

Each company requires more than three tools to take care of time tracking, code deployment, collaboration, employee tracking, and ticketing system(Help desk) to manage all the phases of the project-Design, development, launch, and maintenance successfully.

Efficient cloud tools that serves the purpose costs the below.

Time Tracking
Code deployment
Project management and collaboration
Employee Tracking
Ticketing and Help Desk

Average customer goes from 5 tools to 1

Project tools cost reduction 92.5%

CaseCamp is the single solution for all the company's project management needs.
All the tools required for efficient project management is satisfied by a single application - MR.CaseCamp, so there is no more useless work time, wasting money and redundancy.

CaseCamp 5 in 1

time tracker
project management